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FAQs Page

Please read our Frequently Asked Questions

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Why Rehoboth Home KRC was created?

To “Raise and Skill Disabled Orphans to be equipped to function Successfully and Independently” throughout their lives.

What is your mission statement

To “Raise and Skill Disabled Orphans to be equipped to function Successfully and Independently” throughout their lives.

Where exactly do you operate in Africa?

Working towards building Initially in Ghana, then to African States

Can I donate cash or natural items?

“We are at present trying to recruit 2 members of staff to start in current building on site. This has basic and essential facilities to care for the needs of 2 babies or more and their live- in carers whilst we work towards the main project/ building.

We are aiming to raise funds to start the main Project / building for the children in the shortest possible time.

In view of above, we will be grateful for donations to be in the form of money or funding for project for now. It may also be in the form of building materials (cement, blocks, iron rods etc)

We would however in future accept any meaningful donations in line with the holistic welfare of all the children. Thank you

Can I deposit money into bank account?

Yes, you can, please see bank account details on website. You can also donate by PayPal.

What projects have you already completed?

A 3 bedroom flat with essential facilities for The Health & Care Management Staff is already completed.
Though aiming to raise funds to start the main Project / building for the children in the shortest possible time, we would use this building in the interim.

How will I know that my donation has helped?

The creation of this website will take as through every stage of project and give regular necessary updates. All donors are also welcome to visit site and check on achievements related to their contributions made.

I want to volunteer. How can I join?

You can join at present by promoting this unique project to many who have the heart to support disabled orphans to live an independent purposeful life. You can contact us by email or phone to discuss this further. Thank you.